
June 28, 2016

Dubai Regional Office

The 19th CMA program was conducted by Wisdom Institute in Dubai, UAE in April 2016. The program was again facilitated by Professor Janek Ratnatunga, the CEO of ICMA Australia.
June 28, 2016

Central Indonesia Regional Office

Dr. Intiyas Utami, CMA, the Regional Director for Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta, organised many events during the CEO of ICMA Australia Professor Janek Ratnatunga’s tour of Indonesia in May 2016.
June 28, 2016

Indonesia Branch Activities

A number of events were organised by the ICMA Indonesia Branch to coincide with the visit of Prof Janek Ratnatunga, ICMA CEO to Indonesia.
June 28, 2016

Indonesia Jakarta Chapter Activities

A CMA intensive program was held at the IPMI international Business School in May 2016. IPMI is the first institute to run the CMA program in Indonesia, starting in the year 2000.